Smart Contract Architecture
Auction House
This contract acts as a self-sufficient founderz generation and distribution mechanism, auctioning one founderz every 24 hours, forever. 100% of auction proceeds (ETH) are automatically deposited in the founderz DAO treasury, where they are governed by founderz owners. Each time an auction is settled, the settlement transaction will also cause a new founderz to be minted and a new 24 hour auction to begin. While settlement is most heavily incentivized for the winning bidder, it can be triggered by anyone, allowing the system to trustlessly auction nouns as long as Ethereum is operational and there are interested bidders.
Treasury Executor
This contract is a fork of Compound's Timelock.
It acts as a timelocked treasury for the Founderz DAO. This contract is controlled by the governance contract (Logicv1).
Founderz NFT
This is the Founderz ERC721 Token contract. Unlike other Founderz contracts, it cannot be replaced or upgraded. Beyond the responsibilities of a standard ERC721 token, it is used to lock and replace periphery contracts, store checkpointing data required by our Governance contracts, and control Founderz minting/burning. This contract contains two main roles - minter and owner. The minter will be set to the Founderz Auction House in the constructor and ownership will be transferred to the Founderz DAO following deployment.
This contract is a fork of Compound's GovernorBravoDelegate. It's the logic contract used by the Treasury Executor.
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